21 Bible Prayers for Government Leaders – Enjoying the Journey

In seasons like this, it is easy to become frustrated with the corruption, inaction, and incompetence we observe in government. It is not just in the United States either. While we as Americans have the right and duty to vote, the Apostle Paul instructed Timothy “That, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks,… Continue reading 21 Bible Prayers for Government Leaders – Enjoying the Journey

Eagerly Wait for New Jerusalem, Looking Away Unto Jesus

Hebrews 11:9-10 says about Abraham with Isaac and Jacob, “By faith he dwelt as a foreigner in the land of promise…for he eagerly waited for the city [New Jerusalem] which has the foundations, whose Architect and Builder is God.” Hebrews 11:15-16 has more about them: “if indeed they continued to remember that country from which they went out, they… Continue reading Eagerly Wait for New Jerusalem, Looking Away Unto Jesus

Why Religion and Being Good Are Not Enough

I’ve attended many funerals that were downright celebrations. Because the deceased loved Jesus (and it was obvious), friends and family grieved for themselves but rejoiced because their loved one was Home. With Jesus. I’ve attended other funerals that were … well, awkward. No one wants to speak ill of the dead, so efforts are made… Continue reading Why Religion and Being Good Are Not Enough

What Does the Bible Teach about Church Membership?

Originally published July 9th, 2020 Accountability Within a Church Body The concept of church discipline can often make Christians uncomfortable for several reasons. Either they have seen it practiced and exercised improperly, or the idea of a group holding each other accountable for how they live is offensive. As Americans, we live in a very… Continue reading What Does the Bible Teach about Church Membership?

The Joy of Perseverance

Life has a way of presenting unpleasant interruptions; however, God often uses those interruptions as teachable moments. Recently, my teachable moment came when my washer, which had a 10-year warranty, quit after 10 years and one month. Fortunately, I had a home warranty, so a technician came and delivered the verdict that the washer was… Continue reading The Joy of Perseverance

God’s Promises For Contentment – Pursuing Intimacy With God

God’s Promises For Contentment This Bible study is a continuation of the series on God’s promises. In previous articles we looked at: In this article and the next 3 weeks we will continue to look at some of the many of God’s wonderful promises in His word. There are literally thousands of promises in God’s… Continue reading God’s Promises For Contentment – Pursuing Intimacy With God

Unlimited: All Things Work Together For Good | Good News Unlimited

Unlimited: All Things Work Together For Good Oct 8, 2024 1073 We know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose (Romans 8:2, NIV). The testimony of Scripture is that all things work together for good to those who love God. We have… Continue reading Unlimited: All Things Work Together For Good | Good News Unlimited

3 Powerful Ways to Grow Your Relationship with God

A relationship with God is our most important connection. God created us to be in a loving relationship with Him. Being created to connect with God is an amazing honor that offers indescribable blessings. Jesus teaches and models the love, contentment, and joy a relationship with God creates. “You call me ‘teacher’ and ‘Lord’, and you… Continue reading 3 Powerful Ways to Grow Your Relationship with God