10 common faith-related questions Christians ask themselves

Do you ever find yourself pondering questions about your faith? Many Christians share similar thoughts as they navigate their spiritual journeys. 

In this article, we will explore some common faith-related questions Christians often think of. Whether you are a seasoned follower or just starting to explore your faith, these are likely to resonate with you.

A question mark. (Photo by Emily Morter from Unsplash)

1. How can I trust God while facing difficulties?

When you find yourself grappling with the challenge of trusting God amid difficulties, you are not alone. Many Christians ask this question because life’s hardships can test one’s faith. In the Bible, we encounter a relatable event in the life of Joseph

Sold into slavery by his brothers, Joseph faced numerous trials. Yet, in Genesis 39, it is highlighted that “the Lord was with Joseph.” Despite being unjustly accused and imprisoned, Joseph remained faithful. The key lies in recognizing that trusting God does not mean the absence of hardships. Rather, it is relying on His presence and purpose within them.

2. How can I study the Bible more effectively?

The desire to understand and apply the teachings of the Bible prompts this question. In the book of Nehemiah, we find a relevant event where the people gathered to hear the reading of the Law. Nehemiah 8:8 notes that the Levites “read from the book, from the Law of God, clearly, and they gave the sense so that the people understood the reading.” 

This emphasizes the importance of clarity in Bible study, and the answer lies in adopting a systematic approach, breaking down passages, and seeking resources that provide context.

3. How can I run away from temptations?

In Matthew 4:1-11, Jesus faces temptations from the devil. However, he responds with Scripture, saying, “Be gone, Satan! For it is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God and him only shall you serve.'” This illustrates the power of relying on God’s Word to resist temptations.

The answer lies in being rooted in Scripture, cultivating a strong prayer life, and seeking support from fellow believers. By relying on God’s guidance and surrounding yourself with a supportive community, you can strengthen your ability to resist temptations.

4. How can I connect with fellow believers?

The journey of faith is strengthened through community and shared experiences. Believers are described as being “together and had all things in common” (Acts 2:44). This underscores the importance of fellowship among believers. The answer lies in taking intentional steps to engage with your church community. Participate in gatherings, join small groups, and serve alongside others.

5. Can my salvation be revoked?

The question of whether salvation can be revoked is a common concern among Christians. It is driven by a genuine desire for assurance and understanding of the permanence of their relationship with God. Jesus addresses the concept of eternal security in John 10:28, saying, “I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand.” 

That said, believe in the unchanging nature of God’s love and grace, salvation is a gift freely given by God. Once received, it is not contingent on human merit.

A woman wondering. (Photo by Tachina Lee from Unsplash)

6. Do teachings in the Bible still apply today?

In the Scriptures, Jesus often conveyed timeless truths through parables—simple, relatable stories with profound moral lessons. While the cultural and historical contexts may differ between then and now, the underlying principles conveyed in these parables remain pertinent. Concepts of love, compassion, integrity, and ethical conduct continue to provide a solid foundation for navigating the complexities of life.

7. Why does God allow bad things (ex. Natural disasters, death)?

In the Bible, Job, a righteous man, experiences immense suffering, losing his wealth, health, and loved ones. Despite his anguish, Job maintains his faith in God. The answer to why God allows bad things is complex, involving understanding that God’s ways are beyond human comprehension.

8. Do I have to go to church?

The question of whether one has to go to church is a common inquiry among Christians. This question arises from a genuine desire to understand the role of organized worship and communal gatherings in the practice of Christianity.

The answer to this question involves recognizing the importance of community, accountability, and shared worship in the Christian journey. While the ways people engage with church may vary, active participation in a community of believers provides support, encouragement, and an avenue for spiritual growth.

9. What should my intentions be in using my talents for the church?

The parable of the talents in Matthew 25:14-30 provides insight into the responsibility of stewardship. The master entrusts talents to his servants. And, their intentions and actions with those talents are evaluated.

So, understand that using your talents for the church should be rooted in a genuine desire to contribute to the well-being of the community and the advancement of God’s kingdom. Your intentions should include a heart of service, a commitment to building up others, and the recognition that your talents are ultimately meant to glorify God.

10. How do I know God exists?

This question often arises from a desire for a tangible connection with the divine, especially in a world that places great emphasis on empirical evidence. However, by contemplating the beauty and order of creation, observing the impact of faith on individuals and communities, and reflecting on personal experiences, you can find assurance of God’s presence. 

Faith may not always be tangible in a scientific sense, but it can be grounded in the observable signs of God’s handiwork and the transformative power of belief.

A man who is deep in thought. (Photo by bruce mars from Unsplash)

Addressing questions

While the article has covered important aspects of faith, you might find yourself pondering additional questions about your beliefs. If you are curious, consider reaching out to a trusted friend or family member to share your thoughts and gain different perspectives. Sometimes, you can gain valuable insights from just a simple conversation.

Also, do not hesitate to explore books or online resources that delve into your specific questions. Many authors and websites offer accessible information that might resonate with you. Take your time to absorb different viewpoints and find what feels right for you.

Attending community events or religious gatherings can also be a great way to connect with individuals who may share similar questions or experiences. Engage in discussions with others. Broaden your understanding and bring a sense of community to your spiritual journey.

Continuous search

The journey of faith often leads Christians to ponder a myriad of common questions. As you confront these uncertainties, recognize that your faith is a dynamic and individualized aspect of life. It is okay not to have all the answers.

Engage with the vibrant community of believers who, much like yourself, are navigating these inquiries with sincerity and devotion. Remember, it is normal to have questions. It is part of growing spiritually. Just keep searching for the truth.

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Republished with permission from Blogs.crossmap.com, featuring inspiring Bible verses about 10 common faith-related questions Christians ask themselves.

By Crossmap Blogs

Crossmap.com is a Christian living portal website serving the U.S. and global Christian communities. It is pan-denominational, viewing all Christian denominations as equal constituents of the body of Christ, and all Crossmap staff and contributors adhere to our statement of faith.

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