10 Evening Good Night Prayers for Bedtime and Peaceful Sleep


Give thanks for God’s protection and guidance

Dear God, I thank You for today. I am grateful that I can just come back to You this evening. Thank You for sustaining me with strength to carry on what I had to do. Thank You for physical health. Thank You for the wisdom that helped me to decide wisely.

I know I was able to walk on the right path because of the Holy Spirit’s guidance. Your voice that instructed me towards making right decisions was clear in its conviction. Thank you for protecting me from all attacks of the evil one – from all temptations and lies that could have easily derailed my obedience. Thank You that I am alive and breathing. And thank You for this sweet time of fellowship that I get to spend with You every night. I praise you and thank you, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Prayer for repentance and holiness

This day may have brought us to different circumstances. There may have been times that we made wrong responses, entertained wrong emotions or thoughts that are ungodly. We ask for forgiveness, Lord. We ask for forgiveness for the times that we were less mindful of our actions, that we were not intentional in our demonstration of Christlikeness. If we have said words that hurt people, forgive us. We pray that we will always acknowledge the Holy Spirit’s guidance so that we will walk victoriously every time.

Prayer for gratitude

Heavenly Father, I am grateful to once again witness Your faithfulness this day. You have been my source of strength and wisdom. Thank You for the joy that You sufficiently give us to accomplish Your will in our lives. You have given me enough grace so that we could obey You. I am encouraged by Your unfailing love. And I am grateful for each moment that I am able to enjoy this personal relationship with You.  In Jesus name, amen.

Pray for peace of heart

Loving Lord, it is my prayer that You will continue to quiet my chaos being. There are things that still worry me until now. There are thoughts that are not exactly pleasing to You. Some are doubts. Some are fears of uncertainties. Some were insecurities due to failures. Some are discouragements.

I pray that you will help me find security in Your presence. Do not allow these burdens to last until the morning. Settle them now before I even doze off to sleep. Help me overcome my weaknesses. Heal my heart. Resupply my strength. Renew my mind so that I may have the mind of Christ in me. Thank you Lord and I love you, in Jesus’ name, amen.

Prayer against negativity and worry

Lord, search our hearts tonight. If there are things that are not glorifying to You, remove them. We surrender to You all weariness, worry, fear, negative thoughts and emotions. Cleanse our hearts and remove every filthy thing that You see. Thank You and this is our prayer in Jesus’ name. Amen. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Prayer for a good sleep

We want to rest in You, Lord. Allow us to have peace of mind tonight, that kind of peace that surpasses all understanding. We want to find in You the kind of rest that nothing and no one in this world will ever give us. Renew our strength, not only on a physical level but more importantly on a spiritual level. Protect me from the evil’s attack tonight. 

Father God, Please arm us with power so that as we wake up the next day, we will be ready to engage in the spiritual battle. I pray that you give me a I pray that You will create in me a heart full of hope and excitement to do Your will. That as I wake up tomorrow I will just be joyful and full of energy to obey Your commands. I pray that I will wake with a heart that is eagerly seeking You. I love You, Lord. This I pray with thanksgiving in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Thank God for His guidance and teaching

Thank You Lord for sustaining us all throughout this day. Regardless of failures, we have learned so much about ourselves and most importantly about You. Thank You for teaching us valuable lessons through circumstances and people. You are the best teacher, Lord. You have used each and every moment to reveal more of Yourself.

Even in subtle ways, You never fail to show us who You are. You are our way maker, miracle worker and promise keeper. We are always grateful for Your patience in checking and searching our hearts. Thank You for loving us unconditionally. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Prayer to good rest and health

Lord, I pray that tonight will bring me inner peace and joy in Your presence. I surrender all my cares before You. Work mightily in my life so that as I prepare for tomorrow, I will be more equipped to do Your will. Restore my weak body. Do not allow physical limitations to become another excuse for not obeying Your commands.

Grant me good health so that I may work more vigorously. Fill me with joy so that even when I am confronted with challenging tasks, I will not complain but remain firm, trusting You all the way. Thank You, Lord, for tonight. Give me a good night’s sleep. This I ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Prayer for faith revival in the truth

Lord Jesus, this has been a long day for me. A lot of things happened and I am consumed with several tasks that led me to feel various emotions. Forgive us Lord, if there had been times that I acted negatively towards others. If I had been insensitive of Your leading and guidance that led me to committing sins.

You know my heart, Lord. I humbly come before You and ask for mercy to flow in me. I acknowledge that apart from You I am nothing. Help me to develop a deeper longing to obey You in every way. I pray that I will have such a strong desire to seek, understand and apply Your word daily. I pray that all the things I learn from Your word will be put into action. I do not want my faith to be dead, Lord, so help my faith revive from Your truth again. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Pray for the wisdom to serve

Dear God, grant me wisdom and discernment to know what Your will is for me day by day. I pray that every day that ends, You will say these words to me, “Well done, my good and faithful servant.” You know that it is my desire to serve You wholeheartedly and faithfully. And I pray that You will protect me from all deceptions and lies of the evil one.

Help me to keep my eyes fixed on Jesus. Give me courage to remain strong despite the battles I go through day by day. Strengthen my feeble arms and weak knees. Empower me, Lord, that I may truly serve as salt and light of this world. Thank you, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

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