Prayer for a new start
Good morning, Lord! Today is a new day, a chance to begin anew. Yesterday has gone along with my regrets, failures, and mistakes. This is a good day to be glad and thankful. Thank you for another day to start over, for the new opportunities to love, be generous, and be all that You created me to be.
Prayer for spiritual battle
Loving God, today, I am willing to start my day with You in my thoughts and in my heart. As I dress, allow me to wear the armor You have provided for my daily needs: the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of peace and righteousness, the shield of faith, the belt of truth, the shoes of guidance, and the sword of the Holy Spirit. With prayers uttered by my tongue, I praise You and declare blessings for the people around me. In Jesus’ name, Amen!
Prayer to make a difference
Dear God, feed me this day with Your daily bread as this will serve as my spiritual food, like manna, to sustain me all throughout the trials and hungers. Help me to set my mind on what is eternal and speak only of what encourages and blesses others. Keep me from putting my foot in my mouth, and safeguard the affections in my heart. Let every work of my hands be marked with excellence rather than perfectionism, as I desire not to uplift my name but to make a difference through Jesus. May I treat each person I encounter with respect, love, and forgiveness, as You would towards Your people.
Prayer to live for Jesus
Father, I am fully aware that life is short and fleeting. And I want to live this day as it was my first and last, giving thanks for every good and perfect gift You always provide. Today, and every day, I want to live my life for you, Jesus. In your precious name, Amen.
Prayer for gratitude
Gracious Father, creator of everything that exists. You have no beginning and no end. You are sovereign over all creation. You have caused the sun to rise today and have given me a fresh morning to start again. I acknowledge Your faithfulness the past night for granting me enough time to rest and recharge.
I would like to start this day with You. I would like to acknowledge Your presence first thing in the morning. I would like to thank You for giving me another day to live. I am grateful for the gift of life. I am excited to witness Your grace and mercy unfold this day. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Prayer for faith in God’s plan
Lord, I know that You’ve got great plans for me today. It may not turn out exactly as I imagined it to be but help me to lend my full trust in You alone. I declare victory in Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.
Prayer for strength
Father God, I pray for strength. I know this day will demand me to do things beyond my capacities. Help me to depend on You alone. I pray for wisdom and discernment. Grant me the power to make rightful judgments on the things that I have to decide on. Help me not to rush into doing things out of pressure or need. Grant me sanity to do it according to Your will. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Prayer for self-control
Dear God, I pray for self-control. I know I will grow weary along the way as I attend to my responsibilities. Help me to express joy in whatever I do and to not complain over difficult situations. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Prayer for compassion
Heavenly father, I pray for more compassion. Help me to view people with empathy. I pray that when I see them, I will see them beyond their outward actions or flawed characters. I pray that I would see their real needs and that I would be willing to extend help in whatever way possible. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Prayer for close relationship with God
After a long and restful stretch of hours in sleep, You open my consciousness and I awake to behold and bask in the light of another day from Your mighty hand, O Lord my God. The familiar and refreshing sounds of morning greet me to announce the beginning of a new day that will not be like another. Even before the sunlight can peak from the window to warm my face, You warm my heart first. Because of You, I am glad to be alive.
From the first moment of wakefulness to the very last, I offer You all the praise and gratitude and love and trust that You make me capable of. All these blessings come from You and I give them back to You in an endless cycle. Occupy my entire being in this entire day that nothing I shall do or say or think will be inconsistent to Your will for me. Do not allow anything in me and anything and anyone around me break this bond between us, no matter what occurs today.
Prayer for peace and grace for those around me
Dear Father, please send Your peace and light to every member of my family, my friends, those in my class (or place of work), everyone I shall meet and deal with today for any purpose. Grant that whoever will cross my path today will know You a little more and love You a little better through my ways. Turn the hearts of those who are embittered by severe trials and those who live in the dark of a lack of grace. I do not know them but You do and I call attention to them. In Jesus’ precious name, I pray.
Prayer for God’s protection and victory
Dear God, I know that not everything may work for me today as I wish. I know that fallen nature will conspire with the world and the enemies of our salvation to attack me, so I pray for the faith and ask you to shield me from them or win the fight against them. My own weaknesses and pride may lead me to bitterness, and I may lose sight of the reality that all trials are passing and have no power against Your infinite love for me, so God, please help me always see through these and overcome what I need to overcome so that I may live as my Savior, Your Son Jesus Christ, lived His every day on earth. I ask this in His Name. Amen.