12 Things to Thank God Before the Year Ends

This year is undoubtedly a challenging time for everyone. The world is constantly bombarded with new problems and issues. Even so, there are still many things to thank God for. You should give thanks because the Lord desires nothing more from you than a heart filled with gratitude. The more thankful you are, the more joy and fulfillment you attract into your life. A heart filled with thanksgiving increases our awareness of God’s love, care, and timing.

Here’s a list of 12 Things to Thank God for Before the Year Ends:

1. Salvation

Christians should never grow tired of thanking God for this. God offered us the gift of salvation by sacrificing His loving Son, Jesus, to die on the cross 2000 years ago. The blood of Jesus shed on the cross washed away your sins, allowing you to live in paradise with God.

2. God’s Hope

Although you may believe the future is dismal, there is yet hope. You can hold on to the hope that God’s promises will never fail. He has promised you a life of abundance, new strength, and wisdom.

3. God’s Unconditional Love

God’s fundamental nature is love, and His love for you knows no bounds. You can never escape God’s love! He loves you even when you are still a sinner. Nothing in this world can ever separate you from God’s love, and that is some of the things to thank God for.

4. God’s Grace and Mercy

It’s a well-known reality that Christians are far from perfection. Sometimes it’s easy to fall prey to sin and make a fool of yourself. However, God’s grace and mercy are available to you; all you have to do is ask for it.

5. Peace

You shouldn’t be terrified of the challenges and difficulties that life inevitably brings. If you bring your troubles to God, He will give you peace. When you stop worrying about yourself and give your attention to God, He can calm your heart.

6. Family

There’s more to a family than just shared Genetics, surname, or obligation. Even if you have no blood ties, there are some people you’ll always consider family, which occasionally includes your pet. You may have experienced pain and loss, but it is reassuring to know that you were able to meet them during your existence. God has blessed you with beautiful connections, for which you should be eternally grateful.

7. God’s Provisions

God provides for His people. When we cry out to God, He hears us and helps us. Never is He even a minute late! Despite your feelings of hopelessness, God commands you to be grateful for what you have and trust in Him in His Word. If we turn to God, He will meet not just our material but also our emotional and spiritual needs.

8. God’s Protection

God shields His people, but that doesn’t imply you won’t have to face difficulties in life. God genuinely cares about His people. It’s something you have to keep in mind and thank God for. He keeps you safe from temptations and guards your resources.

9. God’s Sovereignty

One of the things to thank God for is the fact that a God who rules all over the universe cares for you and chooses you to become a part of His family. He is the one who conceived and put everything into motion. What an amazing God we serve!

10. He is with Us
Although you might not see Him, you can be assured that He is always with you. He is by your side, protecting you from harm, listening to your concerns, and never ceases to make you feel His love.

11. New Beginnings

Every dawn brings fresh opportunities to experience God’s love and mercy. Whatever you’ve been through in the past is irrelevant to Him. Once you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, in his eyes, you are a brand new person. Through the blood of Jesus, you have been made holy, and your sins have been washed away. You have Christ dwelling in you, making you a new creation in God’s sight.

12. God’s Purpose

You might feel like you’re lost and aimlessly stumbling through everything. But God has a purpose for your life. Aren’t you glad that God made you for a reason? Praise God for the great things He has prepared for you and the wonderful things He will accomplish through you.


Christians should never grow tired of thanking God. We could never run out of things to thank God for. A heart filled with thanksgiving increases your awareness of God’s love, care, and timing. God’s Grace and Mercy are available to you; all you have to do is ask for it. The more thankful you are, the more joy and fulfillment you attract. When we cry out to God, He hears us and helps us. Remember to practice the attitude of gratitude for God before this year ends. You can find out more things to be grateful to God for at the Bible Portal.

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