This story from Greek mythology takes place on a mysterious island inhabited by a host of creatures called Sirens who are beautiful-bodied, sweet-voiced temptresses. Taking on the form of beautiful women, Sirens lured unsuspecting sailors toward shore by singing. Upon crashing into rocks hidden beneath the waves, the sailors would then be consumed by the… Continue reading The Sweetest Song I
Month: June 2022
Prayer for Peace in the Family
Lord our Savior, I bring my family before You as I pray for peace within us. Heavenly Father, Lord my God, my family has been battling with the lies thrown by the enemies. I pray that You will give them strength and allow peace to rule in their hearts. Bless them physically, emotionally, and most… Continue reading Prayer for Peace in the Family
The Beginning of Wisdom
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction. Proverbs 1:7 Our human intellect and the ways we lived by served as our resources for everyday living. We face circumstances daily that requires our responses and we make decisions that can come with consequences, from the very words we say to the… Continue reading The Beginning of Wisdom