Acts 2:1 KJV – And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.
Month: October 2022
What Does the Bible Say about Faith?
If the Bible were a door that leads to life everlasting, then faith is the key to open it. Faith is very important when reading Scripture, especially in portions pertaining to salvation. Why? Literally no human being living today was present when the Bible was written and breathed out by God. So how do we… Continue reading What Does the Bible Say about Faith?
What does ‘hallowed be thy name’ in the Lord’s Prayer mean?
Answer: The Lord’s Prayer, recorded in Matthew 6, begins with “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name” (Matthew 6:9). To hallow something is to make it holy or separate it or sanctify it. Jesus taught His followers to pray that God the Father would “hallow” His name. Significantly, this request comes first. It is of primary importance… Continue reading What does ‘hallowed be thy name’ in the Lord’s Prayer mean?
How To Choose The Right Leader, According To The Bible
Choosing the right leader for any field is a skill that all of us need to develop, and we all need wisdom for this. Choosing The Right Leader God Himself is the one who gives wisdom, which is ultimately what we need in order to rightfully choose the person whom we will follow, obey, listen… Continue reading How To Choose The Right Leader, According To The Bible
Manifesting Faith – James 3:13
“Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom.” – James 3:13 Most of the time we usually mistake the book of James. There is a lot of people who based their beliefs on good works equal salvation in… Continue reading Manifesting Faith – James 3:13
What Does the Bible Say about Courage?
Courage is a common theme in the Bible and can be found in both the Old and New Testaments. In the O.T. courage is often attributed to bravery in times of war and conflict. When the Israelites were commanded to take back the Promised Land from foreigners and strangers, they were reminded and encouraged to… Continue reading What Does the Bible Say about Courage?
What Is an Apostle?
αποστολος , one of the twelve disciples of Jesus Christ, commissioned by him to preach his Gospel, and propagate it to all parts of the earth. The word originally signifies a person delegated or sent; from αποστελλω , mitto; in which sense it occurs in Herodotus, and other profane authors.
The Example of the Early Church – Acts 2:42-47
There is a passage in the book of Acts that I have been drawn to recently. This passage describes the life of the church in the earliest days after Pentecost. And I am wondering if maybe what worked for them might not also work in the church today? Are we daring enough to break from our… Continue reading The Example of the Early Church – Acts 2:42-47
5 Bible Verses That Will Make You Think Twice Before Telling That Next Joke
Humor is a tricky thing. It has the ability to bring people together and make them laugh, but it also has the power to offend. There are all sorts of jokes out there. Some are clean and appropriate for all audiences. Others are a little more risqué and may not be suitable for younger crowds.… Continue reading 5 Bible Verses That Will Make You Think Twice Before Telling That Next Joke
What Does the Bible Say about Grace?
A popular hymn describes grace as “amazing.” Why is that? If we take the literal meaning, the word grace means divine favor. When something is given by grace, it means the recipient did not do anything to deserve it, yet it was given. Even the first mention of the word grace shows its meaning. In… Continue reading What Does the Bible Say about Grace?