Hello Friend, Whoever or wherever you may be. I’ve just dropped by for a virtual visit. I wish I could come over for a cup of coffee or tea. Life just gets busy that way. But, If you ever need an ear to listen, or a shoulder to cry on, just give me a holler.… Continue reading Take care and know He loves you and will never let you down
Month: October 2022
Sister, servant and leader: Who was Phoebe in the Bible?
With only 50 odd words – or two verses – dedicated to her in the Bible, you could easily miss Phoebe in your reading of Romans. But that would be a shame. Although few words are given, the ones chosen reveal a woman of faith who served her church both spiritually and financially. Romans 16:1-2 says: “I commend… Continue reading Sister, servant and leader: Who was Phoebe in the Bible?
What Does the Bible Say about Inspiration?
God’s words are inspired – this truth is clearly stated in many parts of Scripture. This simply means that when Bible writers wrote sentence by sentence and paragraph by paragraph of the word of God, they did not do it in their accord, neither used their own power and wisdom. They were simply moved or… Continue reading What Does the Bible Say about Inspiration?
The Lost and Found Parables – Luke 15:3-32
Luke records 3 of Jesus’ parables in the 15th chapter of his account of Jesus ministry. These three parables, typically identified as the Lost Sheep, the Lost Coin, and the Prodigal Son, are given in response to criticism Jesus received from the religious leadership of his day. Seems like Jesus was hanging out with people… Continue reading The Lost and Found Parables – Luke 15:3-32
The Lord Protects – Psalm 34:7
“The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them.” – Psalm 34:7 We need to understand that no matter what happens, our God is on our side. He will not let our foot slip, or He will not let us be harmed. We have to understand that He is… Continue reading The Lord Protects – Psalm 34:7
Feeling weak? 10 Bible verses on the power of God
In the Bible God says that we are powerful. He says that we have been given a work to do and that we are Christ’s ambassadors on earth to spread the good news of his resurrection. This can feel a little intimidating. We might not feel powerful or equipped to do such work. The reassuring… Continue reading Feeling weak? 10 Bible verses on the power of God
12 Bible Verses That Teach Us to Let Go of Grudges
We’ve all been wronged by someone at some point in our lives, and it’s only natural to feel anger. What’s not natural is keeping that anger and fostering it until it turns into hate. Holding onto a grudge is like clutching a handful of hot coal— it will only burn you. Despising someone for minor… Continue reading 12 Bible Verses That Teach Us to Let Go of Grudges
This is why we call Him Savior
This is the “God spot!” The safe place where all your fears, dreams, worries, thoughts are carefully listened to. He is here. You may think He abandoned you when you needed Him, at your darkest night. I am here to say, He never left. He sat beside you and held your hand. He captured your… Continue reading This is why we call Him Savior
What Does the Bible Say about Unconditional Love?
When we say unconditional, it means something does not require any action or condition. Therefore, unconditional love is the act of love that did not require any action from the recipient. It was the giver of love who made the first step. This is how the Bible illustrates God’s love for man. In a hopeless… Continue reading What Does the Bible Say about Unconditional Love?
Do We Have to Bow Our Heads and Close Our Eyes When We Pray?
Many churches today require to bow their heads and close their eyes during public prayers, which makes many Christians form a pattern when they pray. So the problem arises that many Christians think that prayers that are not in this pattern are extreme or wrong. Let’s put the question aside and look at what the… Continue reading Do We Have to Bow Our Heads and Close Our Eyes When We Pray?