What Does the Bible Say about Consistency?

Photo by Alex Woods on Unsplash

To be consistent is to persevere, to continue, and to endure among other things. It is one of the qualities that make up successful people. However, as far as the Bible is concerned, man’s consistency is always found wanting. In reality, most people are not consistent when pursuing goals, changing their life perspectives, and so… Continue reading What Does the Bible Say about Consistency?

How to read the Bible and get the complete picture

“The Bible is full of contradictions!” said the man on the beach. “No it isn’t” I replied, with proud confidence. “Oh yes it is!” “Oh no it isn’t!” Sunbathers sat up to witness this unfolding Punch and Judy show. Then my opponent dealt the killer blow: “But have you actually read the whole Bible?” This exposed an awkward… Continue reading How to read the Bible and get the complete picture

What Does the Bible Say about Attention Seekers?

Photo by Gabe Pierce on Unsplash

An attention seeker is someone who desires the limelight. He always wants to be noticed and praised for his appearance, qualities, or skills. Sometimes, he is willing to do ridiculous acts just to be noticed and get everyone’s attention. However, the Bible is not a big fan of attention seekers. The Scriptures always point to… Continue reading What Does the Bible Say about Attention Seekers?

Intimacy with God

Intimacy with God is the best thing we do because this is the best act of worship. To have an intimate relationship with God requires consistency. We need to practice it every day.  Before doing anything else we must put God first. We need to do it as our daily routine. To those who are… Continue reading Intimacy with God