The Thanksgiving Habit

O, Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His mercy endures forever! 1 Chronicles 16:34 In everything give thanks , for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus! 1 Thessalonians 5:18 The annual Thanksgiving Day in America, has grown to be a national festival. It is a day of rejoicing. It summons… Continue reading The Thanksgiving Habit

What Does the Bible Say about Coming as You Are?

Photo by Hanny Naibaho on Unsplash

You may have heard preachers telling their congregations to “come as they are” in the presence of God. But what does it actually mean? It is true that God is no respecter of persons, which means whatever your status, gender, educational and financial capacity may be, He would treat you the same as anyone else.… Continue reading What Does the Bible Say about Coming as You Are?

Love The Scripture: The Scripture Rebukes

“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.” 2 Timothy 3:16 Rebuking may connote something negative. But here, we are talking about Godly rebuking through the scriptures which is one of the most wonderful features of the Bible. It’s so striking that it speaks to us personally, a holy… Continue reading Love The Scripture: The Scripture Rebukes

Categorized as Daily Bread

‘Hatred stirs up conflict’: 11 Bible verses about anger

We live in an angry world, ruled by conflict. Whether in our families, our polarised politics or online trolling and verbal abuse, it’s easy to find those who’ve been riled up into a state of rage. Sometimes, anger can come from a good place – a frustration at the world’s evil and injustice. The Bible… Continue reading ‘Hatred stirs up conflict’: 11 Bible verses about anger

Bring New Life To Old Things With These 5 Bible Verses On Recycling

Bring New Life To Old Things With These 5 Bible Verses On Recycling

The Bible says that God created the world and everything in it. That includes the land, water, air, plants, animals, and humans. Out of His Creation, the Lord picked mankind to watch over His other beings, placing His trust in us to protect and cherish everything He made. As His chosen caretakers of the Earth,… Continue reading Bring New Life To Old Things With These 5 Bible Verses On Recycling

What is prayer?

Prayer is that activity of believers whereby they communicate with God, worshipping him, praising him, thanking him, confessing to him and making requests of him. This article will be concerned mainly with those aspects of prayer connected with requests, whether personal or for others. Concerning other aspects of prayer see Confession ; Fasting ; Praise ; Worship . God’s power and human helplessness Believers pray because… Continue reading What is prayer?