Some people depend on others to know their worth and importance in this world. However, the Bible shows how it is done properly. When a person believes and accepts Jesus as the only Savior, he becomes a child of God. Christ’s sacrifice on the cross indeed made it possible for a sinner to draw near… Continue reading What Does the Bible Say about Who Am I in Christ?
Month: November 2022
Prayers in the New Testament
I. Example and teaching of Jesus Christ The special character of the Fourth Gospel should be remembered. Of the Synoptics, Luke is specially instructive as to prayer (cf. Acts also). 1. Christ’s example 2. Christ’s teaching The range of prayer is chiefly for spiritual blessing (cf. Lord’s Prayer, and esp. Matthew 6:33), but not exclusively so (‘daily… Continue reading Prayers in the New Testament
‘God is slow to anger’: Bible verses and inspirational quotes on compassion for helping to heal a broken world
Compassion has surely never been more needed in this broken, angry world of war, famine, disease, poverty and fear. The Bible shows us again and again the good news of God’s compassion for us, perhaps most vividly demonstrated in the parable of the Prodigal Son, referred to at the end, below. God’s compassion for us can… Continue reading ‘God is slow to anger’: Bible verses and inspirational quotes on compassion for helping to heal a broken world
Love the Scripture: It is our Food
It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh is no help at all. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life. JOHN 6:63 For several days, we have been encouraging one another to love the scriptures. Yes, because the scripture as our food. Our souls need this food just as how our body needs food and its nutrients. In the same way, our soul needs its nourishment that can bring us wisdom, understanding,… Continue reading Love the Scripture: It is our Food
What Does the Bible Say about Fighting Back?
Back in the Old Testament, the Israelites were often instructed by God to fight against their enemies, promising them that He would be with them. However, in the New Testament, a “new” commandment was given by the Lord Jesus Christ. In His sermons, Christ taught not to fight back, but instead “give the other cheek.”… Continue reading What Does the Bible Say about Fighting Back?
Charles Spurgeon: Always, and For All Things
“Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”—Ephesians 5:20. THE position of our text in the Epistle is worthy of observation. It follows the precept with regard to sacred song, in which believers are bidden to speak to themselves and one another in psalms… Continue reading Charles Spurgeon: Always, and For All Things
Based on Acts 16:31, can we ask God to save our household?
They replied, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved —you and your household.” Acts 16:31 NIV The Philippian jailer is one context. There you’ve got the head of the household who has come to faith in Christ. I was brought up in a family that never went to church. My mother and… Continue reading Based on Acts 16:31, can we ask God to save our household?
Love the Scripture: The Scripture reveals the Helper
“The Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you.” John 14:17 As we indulge in the word, we commune with the Lord, the eyes of our hearts are opened, and the Holy Spirit who… Continue reading Love the Scripture: The Scripture reveals the Helper
John MacArthur: Who Is Jesus?
Well, I was asked to speak on the subject “Who is Jesus?” That is very basic, but it’s certainly a question that a lot of people are struggling to answer. Some of you have been reading, recently, probably about the pseudo religion called Scientology. You know about Scientology? You probably came into Scientology through the… Continue reading John MacArthur: Who Is Jesus?
What Does the Bible Say about Jealousy and Envy?
If you have read some parts of Scripture, you will notice that it is composed of many stories. Each of these stories have major principles and lessons to learn and live by. Two negative emotions for a human being are jealousy and envy. Jealousy takes place when you want a person all for yourself. There… Continue reading What Does the Bible Say about Jealousy and Envy?