Our Human Spirit Revealed in the NT

The prior posts are about using our spirit to cooperate with the Lord, exercising our spirit, and praying the Word with our spirit. Because many Christians are not familiar with having a human spirit, here are NT verses in addition to those in the prior posts. There are also OT verses about our spirit.• Acts 7:59, Stephen “called upon the Lord and… Continue reading Our Human Spirit Revealed in the NT

Unlimited: Anger On The Sabbath | Good News Unlimited

Unlimited: Anger on the Sabbath Feb 27, 2024 1744 Another time Jesus went into the synagogue, and a man with a shrivelled hand was there. Some of them were looking for a reason to accuse Jesus, so they watched him closely to see if he would heal him on the Sabbath. Jesus said to the man with the shrivelled hand, “Stand… Continue reading Unlimited: Anger On The Sabbath | Good News Unlimited

Prepare by Praying the Word in Spirit

Our human spirit mingled with the divine Spirit (“one spirit” 1 Cor. 6:17) is a key to our preparation for the glorious visible return of the Lord Jesus and for New Jerusalem. Ephesians 6:18 encourages us to pray in spirit. For what should we pray? The words just before this phrase are “receive…the sword of the… Continue reading Prepare by Praying the Word in Spirit

The End Is Coming

I do not consider myself a doom and gloom preacher, but I do believe what God’s Word says. Ezekiel prophesied the end is coming and destruction will accompany it. Although the prophecy in Ezekiel 7 points to Israel, Old Testament prophecies often hold dual meanings. The coming of the end will affect not only Israel but the… Continue reading The End Is Coming

How we Avoid What the Bible Calls “Dead Works” and Make our Life Count-

Therefore, leaving the discussion of the elementary principles of Christ, let us go on to perfection, not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God- Hebrews 6:1 NIV Humans are made in the image of God and God wrote eternity on the human heart (Ecclesiastes 3:11-13Genesis 1:28). Consequently, all humans want make their life count by… Continue reading How we Avoid What the Bible Calls “Dead Works” and Make our Life Count-

Spiritual Warfare – The Battle Is The Lord’s – Pursuing Intimacy With God

Spiritual Warfare – The Battle Is The Lord’s As Christians we must recognize that we are in a spiritual battle against the enemy of God. The Bible tells us that our battle is not against other people, or other political parties, or other nations. Our battle is against a spiritual enemy. “Finally, be strong in… Continue reading Spiritual Warfare – The Battle Is The Lord’s – Pursuing Intimacy With God

To the World and the Skeptics at Home

I have been reflecting a lot lately on sharing the gospel in my own family, and it has caused me to notice details in stories that I have likely overlooked. For example, John’s Gospel – after its cosmic introduction – opens with three very short, personal stories. The first begins with John the Baptist standing… Continue reading To the World and the Skeptics at Home

Be children in mischief, adults in righteousness

By Elizabeth Prata Brothers, do not be children in your thinking. Be infants in evil, but in your thinking be mature. (1 Corinthians 14:20) In the verse above, Paul is admonishing the Corinthians for over-valuing tongues (glossolalia). The church was entranced by the ‘show’ of tongues and interpretation of tongues. They had become unduly entranced by… Continue reading Be children in mischief, adults in righteousness