5 Prayers Aid Recovery for Those Who Are Suffering Addiction


Pray for repentance:

Lord Jesus, you know my addiction, and I completely admit it. I acknowledge that I have been living my life on my own terms, and it is not pleasing in Your eyes. I confess that I let the bondages of sin be greater than my love for You. I am sorry that I have made this addiction my master. I am sorry that I let my lack of self-control dictate how I am supposed to live. I’m sorry that I let my desires take over my life. Please forgive me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Pray for God’s help:

Thank You, Father, for Your loving kindness. Thank You for Your love that covers even the worst area of my life. Thank You that it is Your desire for me to live an abundant life. Thank You because I know that you want to free me, and You want me to move forward. And because I know You are the only one who can save me from my addiction, please deliver me from all temptations. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Pray to see the destructiveness of sin:

Loving God, please help me see the beauty and true freedom that comes from obeying You by practicing self-control. Help me fight the urges, desires, and lusts of my eyes and flesh because I understand now that the things in this world only provide temporary satisfaction, but it’s going to put me in prison. It’s not going to help me grow, and it’s not going to benefit me in the end. It will only destroy me. But in You, Father, I will have peace that surpasses all understanding. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Pray to seek support and help from others:

Dear Lord, I understand that if I want to remove my bad habits, I must be willing to do everything necessary to experience the freedom that You offer through Jesus Christ. I know that I have to do whatever it takes, even if it means seeking professional help. If it’s Your will for me to do so, please provide whatever it is that I may need to seek.

Also, please provide me with spiritual brothers or sisters who will walk with me and guide me as I change my ways. I know that it’s important to be surrounded by people who will understand my condition and not judge me. I know that I need accountability partners who will also be with me every step of the way as I repent and walk in holiness. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Pray for the power and companionship of God

Father God, I am choosing the life that honors You, God. I want to be free from this addiction. But as I’m on the road to recovery, please, Lord, grant me the humility to rely on the Holy Spirit and not on my power because I know I cannot wholly heal apart from You. Help me to always trust in You.

God, it gives me great peace to know that You will save me from my addiction. It gives me so much comfort in knowing that I am not alone in this, that You will walk with me as I heal. Thank You. I give You back the praise and glory. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

source: https://clifeprayer.com/prayer-for-repentance-over-an-addiction

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