8 Powerful Prayers for Your Family for Faith and Unity

Prayer for gratitude

God Almighty, our loving Father. You are the God who gave life to me, the one who formed me inside my mother’s womb. Thank You for the lives of my parents and siblings. Thank You for giving me the opportunity to live within the embrace of my family members. I am thankful for the love You continue to show me through them. 

Lord, I thank You for the gift of home and family. Nothing has ever made me feel content than being around my parents, my siblings and even our pets. I thank You for the opportunity I get to spend time with them from the conversation we have during shared meals or the large occasions where we are able to celebrate with extended family members. I am thankful for the laughs we shared, the tears we shed, the battles we fought and the pains we felt as a family. Nothing has been easy but I am grateful that I have a family to lean on.

Lord Jesus, we glorify Your name. We thank You for the lives of each and every member of the family that we have. We thank You for showing us the love that there is in the context of a family. Our families are a gift from above. You have reminded us of the precious kind of relationship that You desire for Your children. We thank You for being a relational God. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Prayer for parents

I thank You for my parents. Thank You for demonstrating Your love for me through my father and my mother. Their love and care always warm my heart. I pray that You will continue to sustain them with strength as they work and wisdom as they make decisions everyday. I pray that You will keep on uniting them as one and that they will continue to love each other with You at the center. Grant them good health and a long life.

We pray that our parents will truly become models of faith and obedience. We pray that they will be successful in influencing their children to live their lives wholeheartedly for the Lord. Grant them wisdom to help them bring their children to have genuine fear of the Lord.

Help them to always put God on top of their priorities. May they not fail in serving You. Strengthen their faith even if they face difficulties in their family. We pray that husbands and wives will continue to be united and supportive of each other, that they will keep helping and loving each other regardless of the circumstances. Provide for all the things that they need. May they never find short of Your blessings. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Prayer for siblings

I thank You for my siblings. I am grateful to have them. I pray that You will establish us to become God-fearing and obedient children. Help us to always honor and respect our parents even as we grow older. Keep the sweet bond that we have as brothers and sisters and do not allow anything or anyone to divide us. Help us overcome our immaturities that we may grow in character. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Prayer for the next generation

I pray that Jesus will always be the foundation of this family, help us be victorious in raising up godly families. Help us to raise up generations of God-fearing children. Unite them in the love of Christ. Protect them from all evil. Provide all their needs.

We pray that our children will grow to have a reverent fear of God. Mold them into Christlike characters. Teach them to respect, honor and obey their parents as they obey God. Usher them to maturity and fruitfulness in doing God’s will. Use them to influence their friends and classmates that they may lead them to Christ as well. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Prayer to be a good witness for the Lord

We bring before You in prayers our families. We come to You in humility acknowledging that the lives our family members have come from You. We thank You for putting us together and ordaining us to live as part of each other’s lives. Thank You for the gift of relationship that exists among us.

You have given us the chance to live our lives surrounded by the people we love and who love us the same. Family is one of the most precious things You gave us. It is truly a great blessing to have one. So we pray that You will lead us thoroughly according to Your will.

Grant us wisdom and discernment in our daily decision-makings. We pray that whatever Your purposes are for our families, let it be accomplished. Lord, we pray that our families will serve as salt and light for other families to see. We pray that by demonstrating Your goodness, those families who have been lost will also be drawn to Your saving grace. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Prayer for the foundation

Lord, we pray that our families will truly build a foundation on Christ alone. Teach us to live our lives in complete obedience to You. We pray that we will always be united in serving You. It is our desire that we grow together in faith and service of Your name.

We pray that each member will have such a deep and genuine relationship with Christ. As a family, we pray that we will be able to demonstrate the true design for how God wants every family to be. Be exalted in our relationships within. We glorify Your name alone, Lord Jesus. Amen

Prayer for the broken families

Lord, it is my prayer that every family will experience the warmth of love of having true relationships with each other. A lot of families now are dysfunctional and many children are brought up without knowing who their real parents are. Many parents are separating. I pray that You will preserve the sanctity of having a complete family. It is Your design from the very beginning. 

I pray that there will be genuine and affectionate relationships among parents and children. I pray that they will love each other dearly with the love that comes from You. I pray that they will be able to establish solid foundations in their relationships and not be easily waved away by the problems they face. In Jesus’ name, amen. 

Prayer for unity

I pray that every family will always be united in love. I pray that they will be strong in facing challenges and problems, that they will continue to support each other all the time. I ask that you prevent them from any form of division. May they find comfort and strength from each other in times of need. 

I pray that every family will have Christ at the center of their relationships. I pray that each of them will have a personal relationship with Him. May every family find their security in the Lord. I pray that more and more godly families will be established and raised. This is my prayer in Jesus’ name. Amen. 

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