Our Father in Heaven

This, then, is how you should pray: “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name…” Matthew 6:9 

We don’t know how to pray. This is our sorrow and limitation. The Lord is here to teach us to pray. Meditate on the meaning of this Lord’s Prayer a hundred times and look at it from all angles.

The Lord and Heavenly Father have a very close relationship. There are many people in the darkness, and many do not even know the existence of God. Theology existed before Christianity, and it came from Greek culture. People believe there is a god, but don’t know what kind of god he is.

Whom we pray to, who listens to our prayers. There are many people praying in the world, but there is no object or direction. If the child says something casually, the parents will also remember it in their hearts. God will also remember our prayers. It is very important that prayers are answered through God’s Word. There are very specific prayers that God will hear and answer.

Sometimes, I am afraid to pray casually. Because God will listen and answer us. God will answer prayers even though I prayed long long ago. Even God did not answer yet, in the future he will.

Almighty God is not a powerless God. God’s thoughts and paths are higher than us, and there are various paths in Him. The God we believed is the God who can raise the dead. So know the object we pray to is very important, don’t limit God by our own thoughts.

source: https://clifestream.com/our-father-in-heaven/

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