Finding Perfect Peace

“You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.” — Isaiah 26:3

Peace today is one that everyone desires. If only peace is a thing, the demand for it would have been extreme.

Today, in a world where diseases evolve, opinions go against others, pressures in life increases, relationships shaken, and seeing toxic environment, it is easier to be overwhelmed and everyone responds by quickly looking for ways to detach and find solace even just for a while.

Amidst all these, the good news is that peace is still available. This peace is so extraordinary that it sets our hearts and minds at peace despite trouble and noise around us. This peace gives us understanding that enable us to see situations beyond human lenses. And this peace is found in Jesus Christ. We are in faith that the presence of God preserves us, shelter us, gives us wisdom to know His will and ways and in Him, we entrust our personal and communal circumstances for He remains sovereign.

If peace seems no where to be found, today, be encouraged that it is everywhere. Just seek, knock and find. Come to Christ today and experience the peace that no one can ever give.

By Young Disciples

To Know Christ, and To Make Him Known

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