Our God is our Rock and Stronghold – Psalm 18:2

“The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.” – Psalm 18:2

David was known to be a man after own God’s heart, with our verse today, we will understand his relationship with God. He described God in a lot of ways which shows how deep was his relationship with God. Now, we all know that David was a fighter, and with his description of God, we can see that he was a fighter, and in every battle he faced, he fought with God. He declared that the Lord our God is his rock, his fortress, and his deliverer. So, we know that whenever he fought his battles, he saw God as his shield, as his victory, as his refuge, as his strength, and even as his stronghold when times are awful. 

Aso, as we reflect on this verse,  we will then realize that we ought to be like David. We must be like David who sees God as his everything. We should not just see God as our God of convenience. We should not just approach God or acknowledge Him when we need Him, or when it is our convenient time to approach Him. Instead, we must see God as our God and Lord of our lives. So, we must not just approach Him when we need Him or when we have time to remember Him. We must always see Him as our God who is always there for us, and we must always depend on Him. 

Therefore, we should always keep in mind that as children of God, we depend on Him. We must not try to be so independent because we know that we are nothing without Him. Let us always understand that everything we do, we must always do it for the glory of God. As we fight everyday’s battle, let’s fight it with God. May we always be like David who is a man after own God’s heart. We must always remember to make Him as our rock, our fortress, our strength for we need Him, and indeed we get our strength from Him. Thus, let us always depend on God and get the strength that we need from Him.

By Young Disciples

To Know Christ, and To Make Him Known

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