Wordless Prayer, a Prayer (Romans 8:26)

“In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. “ Romans 8:26

A life in the Spirit. After Christ’s resurrection, Jesus promised us to send us a helper, the Lord Holy Spirit, the third person in the holy trinity, He who lives in us, and is in fellowship with us after receiving the Lord Jesus Christ in our lives.

In today’s reflection, one of the wonderful gifts of God’s redemption for us through Christ, is that we have a helper, the Lord Holy Spirit that feels what we feel, in fact in today’s scripture, He prays for us! Even when we don’t say a word, the Holy Spirit utters it on behalf of us, He intercedes for us, for we know that our Lord Jesus Christ, our King who empathizes with us, our high priest, knows exactly what we are experiencing in this world. Indeed, God, never desires to forsake His people, He sent a redeemer and now a helper, to guide us, convict us, teach us, help us discern His ultimate will in our lives and long for God’s desires.

Today, when it is hard for you to pray, when you couldn’t find a word to say, remember that there is someone who prays for you, who hears your groans and consoles with you, the Holy Spirit. Remember this truth, remember He who lives in you.

By Young Disciples

To Know Christ, and To Make Him Known

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