Conforming or Renewing? (Romans 12:2)

Do not be conformed to this present world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may test and approve what is the will of God—what is good and well-pleasing and perfect. Romans 12:2

Conforming and renewing. Two different paths, two different journey and two different outcome. In today’s reflection of a life living in the spirit, we have been set into one direction, as taught to us to, the church, by the Apostle Paul, that while we live in this world, we are not to conform to its own standards rather to look at things through the lenses of our faith in Jesus, that we live by the spirit and that the Lord Holy Spirit examines our hearts, teaches us the way to God’s truth, convicts us of our actions and most of all, renews our hearts and minds into the truth of God’s words which becomes our standards.

To live in the Spirit means we are progressing everyday in the process of being renewed, by obedience and trusting into the ways and the will of God in our lives, it will be easier for us to discern the standards of the world and to be pressured by it. While to conform into the standards of the world is a life chasing after chasing of something meaningless.

This is the beauty of having a helper, that while we ware waiting for Christ’s return in bringing us into our true home, the Lord is faithful and good in preserving His children under the refuge of His mercy and grace. Now the question is, our we to conform or to renew? May you be encouraged to find pure joy in living a life surrendered to Christ and find true freedom and fulfillment.

By Young Disciples

To Know Christ, and To Make Him Known

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