To Believe Is the Start (Romans 10:9)

Because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9

Today’s scripture is one of the most prayed scriptures in evangelism movement, in congregational services ministry time, also associated with the sinner’s prayer. Truly, this verse is a wonderful prayer, the receiving of the gift of salvation from God through Christ.

But what really is this passage the apostle Paul meant? Paul had a passionate heart for the gentiles and Jews, he desires for everyone to receive the gift of God’s salvation by believing in the Lord Jesus Christ, that he rosed and resurrected for one to be saved. The question is, is it enough? Is it done a deal?

Looking at the context of the scripture, Romans 10:9 is a bold declaration of the Lord Jesus Christ as King and Lord of your life, it is a confirmation that you desire to be governed by the Lord, whatever the cost is for the sake of following Christ. This is faith in Christ, no longer do we carry the burden of the law and to perfect it to be saved, rather the first step is to believe, to surrender, to allow the holy spirit to overpower your own will and fleshly desires and that lead you to a repenting life and obedience to the Lord and to His ultimate will for us. To believe is to have faith, and to have faith is to honor God in obedience, revering Him and walking in His ways. Remember the criminal next to Christ, the moment he believed, he was promised to be in God’s kingdom- that was God’s mercy.

So today, as we celebrate the National Day of Prayer, sincerely pray, and declare this scripture, do not just read, or recite, pray with a genuine heart and surrender your life to God and allow Him to Lord over you and receive His gift of salvation. Share this declaration to others, that they too may be saved

By Young Disciples

To Know Christ, and To Make Him Known

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