What Living Under Grace Is (Romans 6:14-17)

For sin will have no mastery over you because you are not under law but under grace. What then? Shall we sin because we are not under law but under grace? Absolutely not! Do you not know that if you present yourselves as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one you obey, either of sin resulting in death, or obedience resulting in righteousness?  Romans 6:14-17

Grace, a word that gives gentleness, chances, and hope. God’s grace on the other hand, is so wide, immeasurable, and unfathomable, a wonderful gift to humanity through Christ. Everything we are now, what we are now is a product of God’s grace. It is this gift of God that redeemed us, draw us closer to His holiness and it is this grace that gives us the hope to start anew and overcome sins without condemnation. Today, we are living under this undeserved God’s grace.

In today’s daily bread, what then it is for us to live under grace, are we to use grace to sin all the more, knowing that we can come back anytime? As the apostle Paul expressed, absolutely not. God’s grace as a gift is a result of Him as a merciful father to all of us, that He desired for all His children to come back, a promise fulfilled in Jesus Christ. Now that we live under grace, it isn’t an excuse to intentionally sin with an idea in mind that there’s grace anyway, rather, it is to put us in humility and in awe and live a repenting life, a mind and heart continuously renewed, a revering mindset towards God, as we surrender and offer our lives to Him as a sacrifice by allowing the Holy Spirit to move us into the direction of God’s will over our own will. When we struggle along the way, this is the beauty of God’s grace, it meets us halfway, God convict us, teach us, reveal to us that take us from glory to glory as we allow the Lord to work in us and through us.

Today, may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ seal you to love the Lord with all that you are and seek Him more than before. God’s Grace be with you.

By Young Disciples

To Know Christ, and To Make Him Known

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