The Blessing of Loving God with All That We Are

“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” Mark 22:37

In today’s daily bread, we ponder on the greatest commandment that the Lord Jesus Christ imparted to us, to love the Lord our God with all that we are, in the heart, soul and mind. Of this first and greatest commandment came the first few laws of the Ten commandments given by the Lord to Moses, that we should not have other gods before the holy Lord, no carve images or in today’s context of an idol, nothing shall replace the Lord as the highest that we worship, honor and serve in our lives, not even family members, loved ones, money, career, status, pleasures in life and all others.

To love the Lord with all of our hearts is to beat for the heartbeat of God, to desire to be in His refuge, the sole source of our love, to long for his living water that fills us. To love the Lord with all of our soul is to commune with Him in Spirit, our souls belonging to God and longing for His presence, and to love the Lord with all of our minds is to desire think and fill our minds of the goodness of God and desire His ways through His gift of wisdom and understanding.

Out of this great commandment is of loving the Lord with all that is an overflow of loving others even in worse circumstances and even the unlovable. This great commandment will lead us to the heartbeat of our Abba Father, as we know His perfect will for all of us and live a life of meaning under His refuge. Experience the blessing of being refilled by this overflowing love of God today.

By Young Disciples

To Know Christ, and To Make Him Known

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