The Blessing of Loving Others As Yourself

“Love your neighbor as yourself.” Mark 12:31

Jesus Christ in one of His sermons summarized the laws into two great commandments and the second greatest is this, loving our neighbors as how we love and care for ourselves. This commandment is the bottom line of all other instructions of God regarding honoring parents, adultery, stealing, killing, making false statements, covetousness and this second greatest commandment reflects how the Lord Jesus Christ served selflessly and showed care for those who are in need.

This second great commandment is a challenge to us all. In today’s generation of individualism, where the world promotes putting more worth to ourselves and devaluing others, it deceives us to the point of looking others through the lenses of the world and only offer help and care to those we think deserves it and measuring the help we offer, in a way that we assure they can reciprocate the amount we give to them to us.

To love ourselves and others has its thin line. We care for ourselves so that we can be more for others. To love our neighbor as ourselves means to look over them as though we care as well for what we need and desire good for others. This will be possible if we fill ourselves with the love of the Lord so that that love will overflow to others and truly know what it means to love our neighbor as ourselves, just as how Jesus Christ showed love. Go and desire to love selflessly, that you be blessed with a fulfilling life and constantly seeing the good in others.

By Young Disciples

To Know Christ, and To Make Him Known

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