Our Aim is to Finish the Race – Acts 20:24


“However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.” – Acts 20:24

Paul’s life has been a great encouragement for all Christians. He was actually a very good example of how God can turn a person’s life one hundred eighty degrees. As we look at Paul’s life when he was still Saul. Before God changed his name to Saul, he was actually a well-known Christian killer. He persecuted a lot of people and had put a lot of Christians to their deaths. However, our God is the God of miracles, He can always change our lives from being under evil schemes to His glory. 

So, when Saul’s life was intervened by God, he became Paul– a changed man, a man who served God above all else, and a man who used his life as an example for the young Christians to follow. Now, our verse today is one of the testimonies of Paul. He declared that his life is worth nothing for him but only worth it to finish the race and complete the task the Lord has given to him. He already offered his life towards God, so there’s nothing that can take him away from his desire to follow Christ. No matter what people tell him, he has focused his eyes on Christ. 

Indeed, he has offered his life to Christ and he lives for Him. He was using his life to testify about Christ– about how powerful He is that He was able to turn him, as a sinner into a precious servant of Christ. Thus, through the life of Paul, we can see the proof that Christ can do anything. With Him, we can be changed, and having Him in our hearts will make us a changed person. It is still not too late for us. We are still called to follow Christ and to use our lives to worship Him and honor Him.

May we also declare like Paul that our lives are nothing but only for the use of God. We are to offer our lives completely to Him that no amount of things this world can give that can take away our focus from Christ. Let us directly look at the cross and follow Him always. May we always focus and fix our eyes in Christ– the pioneer of our faith and give Him full control of our lives. Let us worship Him in spirit and in truth and offer our lives as our living sacrifices to Him.

By Young Disciples

To Know Christ, and To Make Him Known

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