Grace Overflowing – Romans 5:20

“The law was brought in so that the trespass might increase. But where sin increased, grace increased all the more” – Romans 5:20

Sometimes, we doubt the purpose of the law. Many people believe that since we are under grace, the law is of no importance and of no use anymore. Since the grace of God has been working out for us all, then there is no point in following the law because we have the grace of God. However, we cannot just say that because God does not contradict Himself. We have to understand that the law is important for us to keep ourselves in check. The law points out our sins, and how sinful we are so we will be able to realize how much we need God’s forgiveness. 

Now, as Paul wrote this passage, he also described that ever since the fall of Adam, we are all bound to die and we are sinful by nature. It’s natural for us to keep on sinning but we don’t even know this. So, when God gave the law to Moses, it made us aware of our wrongdoings. Indeed that law points us to our sins. It shows us our sins, and it makes us feel guilty that we are by nature horrible. Yet, we must also understand that the more we realize that we are sinful, it also increases our sins. However, as sin increased, the grace of God increased too. 

The more we are sinning, the more the law shows us our sins, the grace of God is overflowing. Although, we must not really be lax that since we are under grace, it is okay for us to sin. The law was given so that we will be able to check ourselves and to check that we are going on a path that is contrary to what God commands us to do. Thus, let us always put ourselves to the place where God wants us to go and remember that His grace is sufficient. His grace is overflowing. The more sin increases, His grace is always overcoming it. 

However, we must really not become so lax because it doesn’t mean that the grace of God is overflowing, it gives us the right to sin. We must always put in our minds that the grace of God is poured out through Christ. Once we believe and accept Christ, we have an unlimited supply of His grace. Again, it doesn’t give us the license to sin because when we have Christ, it will make us follow and obey God. Obeying God means staying away from sin through the power that Christ has given to us through His salvation. ‘

Therefore, this verse is such a great reminder for us of how good and loving God is. He is loving, good, and gracious while we are sinful and horrible. Let us keep inside our minds that God will never be tired of forgiving us as long as we have a repentant heart and a heart that fully recognizes and acknowledges that we are sinful. May we always remember how gracious and loving our God is. He deserves all praises and adoration. Forever and ever. Amen.

By Young Disciples

To Know Christ, and To Make Him Known

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