Finding Your Way Back to God – Luke 15:20

“So he got up and went to his father. “But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.”” LUKE 15:20

It has been a long, tiring, and pointless road, isn’t it? It was fun while it lasted, but when you’re alone again in your room at the end of the day, you suddenly feel lonely and empty. It feels as if there is too much heaviness in your heart that you can’t seem to understand where it’s coming from. That something is missing in your life— something or someone great that you chose to leave behind because you wanted a life for yourself. And that is God. 

He has been trying to get your attention for a while now. And the only time He chooses to do it is when the world is silent— when you’re not too focused on your friends, family, love life, career, or even yourself. Often, He allows pain to cover our hearts so that He can call our attention. This is His wake-up call. These feelings of brokenness and emptiness are His reminders that we need a savior, and we cannot deal with it on our own. 

Child of God, take out every ounce of pride in your heart. Resist the temptation of the enemy that says, “Be ashamed. You are too sinful to go back to God. You are a disgrace.” No amount of disappointment and failure can take the truth away that you are a child of the King of Kings, and He says that it’s time for you to stop running around because He wants you to come back to Him. He is waiting for your return. 

Please have the courage to stop whatever it is that keeps you away from God. The more you choose to sin, the harder it gets to rebuild your relationship with the Lord. So please, stop running away and instead, run back to the One who loves you beyond measure. And you will realize that all along, He has His arms wide open as He waits for your return. He will redeem every brokenness you’ve felt, and He will make you clean again. That’s a promise. So it is time, child of God. Stop delaying your biggest breakthrough. Go, run back to Him.

By CLife Stream

CLife Stream provides devotionals articles along with audios and videos to help people build the values based on the Bible, be transformed in God’s words and grow in Jesus Christ. The team will distribute original content, collaborate with other Christian writers and organizations, and also collect online resource to help our audience receive grace and inspiration on various topics.

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