Faith in God’s Great Love (Isaiah 54:10)

For the mountains may depart and the hills be removed, but my steadfast love shall not depart from you, and my covenant of peace shall not be removed,” says the Lord, who has compassion on youISAIAH 54:10

Would you imagine mountains all over the world, all the wonderful hills be removed? Yes, possible, we witnessed that when volcanoes erupt, the mountains deform. When there is a high volume of rainwater, hills slide and deforms. Can you imagine all of those be gone?

This was the comparison that the Heavenly Father used when He expressed through the prophet Isaiah how His unfailing love shall never depart to His people. We see in the Old Testament the journey of the Israelites that represented God’s people prior to the time of Christ, the Lord, despite the perpetual sins they committed, He did not give up on His people. The Lord sent prophets to warn them, instruct them teach them, lament for them, prayed for them, yet they never settled into obedience to God. However, God in His mercy, unfailing love and everlasting covenant, He fulfilled it in Jesus Christ, who bore our sins and carry the burden of the law in our behalf, a testament that even in our faithlessness, the love of the Heavenly Father, the heart of a Father’s love is incomprehensible and whose love is immeasurable.

Today, may you be encouraged of this great love! It is a lie that you are unloved, because the Father of all loves you, even when our earthly fathers failed to love us, but the one Father of all, lavished His love for all of us from beginning to end. May this great love move you to know Him more through Christ, to live in revering the Lord and rest in His faithfulness.

By Young Disciples

To Know Christ, and To Make Him Known

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