Gentle Response Matters PROVERBS 15:1

A gentle answer turns away wrath,
    but a harsh word stirs up anger.
Proverbs 15:1

As we continue in this week’s devotional on the practical day to day wisdom from the book of Proverbs, today is a reminder of one important aspect of our character and how we deal with others – our words. Words come out of our tongue, which is a “a fire, a world of evil among all parts of the body that can corrupt the whole person”, according to James 3:6.

Indeed, whatever comes out from our mouth has the power to either uplift or ruin another. We have the power to speak life, blessing, and encouragement to those who are down and are in need. On the other hand, our words can bring a deep hurt that takes a lifetime of healing. It either makes us light or sorrows to others. In today’s passage, we are reminded of how a gentle response overcomes anger and positively affects the listener’s entire being, as though the way you speak touches the bones and brings peace to the heart of the receiver. This kind of response is more than a skill, it actually requires Godly wisdom by feeding ourselves with the word of God that sanctifies our thoughts and emotions, that allow us to discern what to say and to be the ones the bring peace and the power to overcome evil with goodness, by preserving and carefully think of the words to say and how will we deliver it.

Today, choose to speak life. But first, re-fill your cup with the love of the Lord, let it heal you, let it refresh you, that you may be wise and gentle in your responses that will bring life and light to others. Let His love be planted in our hearts and bear a fruit that will manifest in our responses.

By Young Disciples

To Know Christ, and To Make Him Known

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