What Does the Bible Say about Truthfulness?

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Truthfulness is a word that describes how reliable or trustworthy a statement is, whether spoken or written. Many people claim that what they say is true so that you can depend on them. Unfortunately, no matter how enticing man’s promises and statements are, they cannot be truthful at all times.

Why is this the case? This reality is the result of man’s sinful nature, in that he is incapable of living a 100% sinless life. That is why in one way or another, someone’s statements may fail to meet the expectations. Fortunately, there is still one source of information that we can fully rely on.

God, in His word, cannot lie, which means whatever it is He said from the beginning will come to pass. There is truth to what He says. Jesus Himself said that He is the truth, meaning those who know Him know the truth and abide in it.

What verses in the Bible talk about truthfulness?

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