What Does the Bible Say about Weapons of Warfare?

Photo by Henry Hustava on Unsplash

If you read the Bible casually, you may have read about the different wars and battles that the children of Israel waged over their oppressors, as well as neighboring nations. The weapons used in these battles were sharp and dangerous.

However, in the New Testament, the believer is instructed to wage wars in the spiritual realm, and not against flesh and blood. These spiritual battles can be done through prayer, reading God’s word, and applying what we have learned from Him. Christians are reminded to be firm and courageous, but not against physical battles.

Spiritual warfare is the result of Satan’s rebellion against God. Although he is already defeated, he wants others to join in in his defeat. That is why he continues to deceive and tempt mankind to forget God and focus on themselves.

What are some verses that talk about weapons of warfare?

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