Our Days are Numbered – Psalm 90:2

Psalm 90:2

So Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.  

Right after when our alarm clocks tick, it signals the beginning of another day. We get up and start to function into the routine cycle that we are very much familiar with. We prepare for a day as though we have an idea of what is to happen, in fact we naturally picture out what our day would look like when we plot our schedules, meetings, to do’s, step out and start the day.  Planning our day ahead is a good practice, it is highly recommended as it sets direction to what we will be doing for the rest of the day.

However, sometimes we tend to forget the very essence of our existence – to worship the one true God who made the day, who commanded the sun to rise, who establishes the wonderful mornings that sometimes we fail to appreciate. As much as we plan our day ahead, why don’t we take time to pause and give a moment to behold the wonderful, good, sovereign, and mighty God, to ask for His counsel through prayer and reading His word. As the Psalmist uttered, “Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom”, which means that we are to be reminded that the Lord holds everything and that we are to be in humble disposition that while figuring out what each day would look like. Ultimately, we entrust it first to the Lord almighty, that the days ahead of us are numbered, that we do not know what is going to take place. With this in mind, we learn to approach God and take refuge in His consoling presence, that we may learn to ask counsel to the Lord first and be blessed with wisdom from Him as we offer each day to the Lord.

Today, be encouraged to give a personal time with the Lord, that in the midst of what is ahead, that every day is made by Him, the days are numbered by Him, that in humility we trust our every days to Him that we may gain wisdom from the Lord.

By Young Disciples

To Know Christ, and To Make Him Known

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