“Let what you say be simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No: anything more than this comes from evil.” Matthew 5:37
We now live in a world where people get “cancelled” or bashed for telling the truth or standing up for what is right. This is very evident in our society today, especially in the world of social media. So to get away with this, people, even Christians, prefer to respond by telling “white lies” or “half-truths.” However, this is opposite from what Jesus tells us to do. So what does the Bible say about always telling the truth?
Jesus has commanded us to tell nothing but the whole truth at all times. He said to always let our “Yes” be “Yes” and “No” be “No.” He didn’t say that it’s alright to say “Maybe” or “I’m not sure” when you want to say yes or no. He has clarified to be truthful in everything that comes from our mouths. A lie is still a lie, regardless of how big or small it is. Same with half-truths; half-truths are still not the whole truth.
When Jesus spoke to people before, He didn’t think of how they would perceive Him. Instead, He always made sure to speak the truth in love. Jesus had integrity. He stood up for His word. Often, we want to be perceived as someone respectable and polite— even if it means not being honest. We would rather be called “nice” than honest or real. But Jesus wasn’t nice. He was good. There is a difference. He rebuked people so they would know the truth because He loves them.
Jesus didn’t sacrifice the truth so that He could please people. In fact, He lovingly confronted and corrected them in every way. On the other hand, we usually sacrifice our truth, faith, and stand because of our fear of rejection. We don’t want to offend or disappoint people. You see, we’re more scared of disappointing people than standing up for God.
Be reminded that we are not called to be nice. We are called to be good. And we can’t be good by telling small dishonesties. Anything that is not “Yes ” or “No” in your heart is a work of the enemy. Learn how to confirm your words. Be truthful in all instances because you won’t have to be pressured to back up your words with promises or oaths. A black is still black, and a white is still white. So do not twist the truth.
May you be reminded that Jesus lived in truth and not in lies, and so must a follower of Him. From this day on, find encouragement from the One who is Truth Himself.