What Does the Bible Say about Herbs for Healing?

Photo by Katherine Hanlon on Unsplash

In ancient times, there were no pharmacies, no laboratory exams, and no hospitals like we do today. However, there were herbs and spices that people used in treating various illnesses. But are these treatments also recorded in the Bible?

Probably the most popular example of herbs for healing in the Scriptures was when King Hezekiah fell so sick he was dying. He prayed to God and told Him to remember his faithfulness and obedience to His commandments. God heard his prayer and sent the prophet Isaiah to make medicine out of fig leaves. He recovered and God added to him another 15 years!

However, the point in this story is not that fig leaves or some other herbs can heal. Healing is an act of God, it is only through His divine will and purpose that one gain healing.

What other verses talk about healing through herbs?

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