The way out of Condemnation and the way to Freedom

Psalm 32: 1-5 NET

How blessed is the one whose rebellious acts are forgiven,
whose sin is pardoned.
How blessed is the one whose wrongdoing the Lord does not punish,
in whose spirit there is no deceit.
When I refused to confess my sin,
my whole body wasted away,
while I groaned in pain all day long.
For day and night you tormented me;
you tried to destroy me in the intense heatof summer. Selah

We know sin is an act that separates humanity from God. We know sin is an act that holds us back into our everyday journey of holiness. We know sin is an act that plunges our morale and stains us with thoughts of condemnation.

Everyday, we face a wide array of choices and decisions that may lead us to sin. It’s an everyday struggle that we are all going through. At some point, we are left to mask the hidden actions we do, yet it leaves us with a burden within. To some extent, it puts us in a cycle of repeating actions that stifles us, as though it’s difficult to attain freedom from the sins that crippled us.

In today’s devo, let us all be reminded of the power of the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, that put an end to condemnation and provided us a way out of sins – confession.

How blessed are you,  whose sins are forgiven, exclaimed the Psalmist, who lived in a time before Jesus yet hoped in the Messiah that blotted out all our sins. Today, we are reminded that we are this ‘’blessed’’ generation as our sins of yesterday, today and tomorrow are forgiven through the victory of our Lord Jesus Christ who is our righteousness. Freedom is at hand; the way out is through Christ.

If you are reading this, and have been struggling with sins, we invite you to come and find rest in the presence of Christ, in humility, confess, receive forgiveness and be freed. Let the holy spirit lead you and renew you each day. Let not an ounce of condemning thoughts rule over you, as it is the enemy’s way of pulling you down. Today, seek the Lord, find rest in Christ, come into His throne of grace and mercy and lay everything to Jesus that your souls may say, Selah.

By Young Disciples

To Know Christ, and To Make Him Known

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