What it means to be #Blessed – Matthew 5:6

Are you #BLESSED?  For our midweek devotion, let us ponder on what it truly means to be #Blessed

Matthew 5:6 it says, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled…“ 

Often, we equate the word BLESSING to material things, money or wealth, promotion, favorable results to what we want, and all others that we desire to happen to us.

But to be BLESSED is more than that. 

A Blessing can be experiencing joy amid the pain.

A Blessing can be able to give, even though you have few.

A Blessing can be feeling of grateful for what you have, even though you don’t hold anything.

A Blessing can mean being filled with satisfaction from within, even though the things you desire aren’t given.

A Blessing can be experiencing God’s peace within you, even amid chaos.

A Blessing can be an ability to stay calm, even during times of pressure.

A Blessing can be able to love, even those who are unlovable.

A Blessing can mean growing spiritually, even in the midst of temptation surrounded by pleasures of the world that tries to deceive you.

A Blessing can mean God, strengthening us to endure hardships, as we patiently wait for Him.

May the Lord truly BLESS you, with a heart that longs for Him – the living water that can satisfy our thirst. Cling to Jesus, for He is our righteousness. Hold tight to Him and never leave your post, child of God, for the Lord will establish “everlasting life” deep within you.

Cling to Jesus, and you will be #BLESSED!

Categorized as Daily Bread

By Young Disciples

To Know Christ, and To Make Him Known

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