What Does the Bible Say about Trusting No Man?

Photo by Drew Hays on Unsplash

Man is a social creature, and the need to connect with other people feels the strongest during times of need. When your back is against the wall and you’re running out of options, the natural reaction of man is to put his trust on family, a friend, or even oneself. But that is what the Bible teaches.

The Bible is God’s Word, and one can expect it to teach concepts and ideas that are focused on God and His commandments. When it comes to trust, Scriptures point to the undeniable fact that it may be good to trust in man or oneself, but nothing is greater than trusting God.

Men fail, friendships fail, relationships fail, and even our own hearts fail. It is only God who remains constant, ever loyal and eternally gracious and merciful to us. It is not wrong to put some confidence in man or yourself, but God should always be the top consideration.

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