4 Prayers to Receive The Peace of God

True peace is not attained by merely avoiding and denying conflict. In fact, conflict is necessary to win peace. This is shown through the battle of Jesus Christ, who defeated the enemy of our souls to free us and live in peace with God. In Ephesians 2:14, God was known as our ultimate peace, who destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility. And as proclaimed in Luke 2:14, Jesus’ arrival in the manger was the beginning of peace on earth to men.

To taste the peace of God that transcends all understanding, we must learn to seek Him and delight in His presence. The children of God have been given access to such lasting peace. Here’s how.

1. Pray to RECEIVE peace

Jesus has always emphasized to His disciples in John 14:27 that the peace He gives is of a different quality than what the world offers. The world may experience a temporary absence of conflict, but lasting peace is only received as a free gift from the One who defeated death and overcame sin. It is not something we can gain through our own efforts, nor something that can be robbed by life’s difficulties and conflicts. As Jesus put it into words, “in this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” ( John 16:33).

Jesus, our Prince of Peace, we bless your name! We give thanks for the gift of strength and peace you offer to Your people. We lay down to you all our worries and anxieties, as well as our thoughts for we trust in You. May You give us the power to endure difficulties and conflicts, and give us the patience we need to live in peace. We receive these blessings, through Christ, Amen.

2. Pray to EXPERIENCE peace

We may be robbing ourselves of the peace that Jesus freely gave when He died on our behalf. This is the main reason why Colossians 3:15 reminds us that He commanded us to let the peace of God rule in our hearts. By replacing our anxieties with prayer and gratitude, we allow ourselves to be reminded by Philippians 4:6-7 to “not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present requests to God…” As a result, “the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard the hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”

Dear Lord, we praise You for allowing us to experience peace in this busy world. Your peace is our comfort during the difficult and conflicting times. You have been pierced for our rebellion, and beaten so we could be whole. All of us has strayed and left the path You prepared for us to follow our own, yet You, Lord, laid on Jesus the sins of this world. How great is Your love for us. Amen.

3. Pray for PEACE in the family

The Bible has several inspiring verses that highlights the peace of God being offered to His people, even in the midst of adversities. Take for example in Isaiah 26:3, God promised to keep him in perfect peace whose mind is steadfast, because he has chosen to trust in Him. Such a steadfast mind is a challenge to maintain at any given age. What appears to be seemingly benign life changes may deeply produce turmoil in every family member. Even positive circumstances may cause any family member to feel sudden stress.

Almighty God, please keep our minds and hearts in perfect peace. Make the entire family right before Your very own sight through faith, so we can be at peace with You because of what Jesus did for us. Our source of hope, fill us completely with joy and peace for we trust in You. May we overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit. This we pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

4. Pray for WORLD peace

The good news for all His people is that God is too great to shepherd us through all of the changes and pressures in the world. No matter what challenges and testing are being thrown at the world, our reservoir of peace, God himself, is inexhaustible.

Father, we acknowledge and receive the gift you have left for us: peace of mind and heart. The peace You gave was a gift that the world could not give. We will not be troubled or afraid. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

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