What Does the Bible Say about Stewardship?

Photo by Noah Buscher on Unsplash

A steward is a caretaker who manages the properties, possessions and everything that his master entrusted to him. He does this with integrity and obedience to whatever his master has instructed him to do. As Christians, we have been given loads of blessings, gifts and other abilities.

These blessings and gifts should not be used for our own benefit, or not be used at all. As showcased in the parable of the talents, God wants His servants to use these blessings and gifts in serving and obeying Him.

There are various areas in our lives that we need to steward responsibly for the Lord. This includes our time, treasure, talents, and testimony. All of these were given by God not to be wasted, but to be cultivated and used for the glory of God.

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