Take care and know He loves you and will never let you down

Hello Friend,

Whoever or wherever you may be. I’ve just dropped by for a virtual visit. I wish I could come over for a cup of coffee or tea. Life just gets busy that way. But, If you ever need an ear to listen, or a shoulder to cry on, just give me a holler. I’ll be there in a jiffy.

When they said life isn’t easy, they weren’t joking. Who’d have thought we’d survive the roller coaster ride of ups and downs we’ve been through.
I guess we are stronger than we thought, eh?

Well I know one thing for sure, I never could have done it without my Jesus at my side. They don’t call Him a Savior for nothing. I guess He’s worn out many sandals on His journeys with us.

But He will never complain about it.

Whatever you are going through right now, God told me to pass this on: He’s got you covered! It may be hard, or scary. But He will get you through. Remember all the other times you thought, “How am I going to get through this?”

Guess what? You did it!

I am not going to say it will be easy. But God will be beside you, guide you, and hold you through it.

So, my friend. Take care and know He loves you and will never let you down.

By CLife Stream

CLife Stream provides devotionals articles along with audios and videos to help people build the values based on the Bible, be transformed in God’s words and grow in Jesus Christ. The team will distribute original content, collaborate with other Christian writers and organizations, and also collect online resource to help our audience receive grace and inspiration on various topics.

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