What Does the Bible Say about Building Each Other Up?

Photo by Wylly Suhendra on Unsplash

Unity is a common theme in the Bible, and it is often commanded for the people of God. Back in the Old Testament, it was the children of Israel, while in the New Testament, that call for unity is meant for the church. But the question is why?

Being a Christian is not an easy task, especially for those who are involved in the work of the Lord, evangelizing, teaching and baptizing those that are lost. While fulfilling this holy mandate from God, one may get tired, exhausted, or even discouraged. In these instances, the church needs unity in building each other up.

Building each other or encouraging one another is an instruction from the Apostle Paul in some of the churches he wrote to. God brought believers to a church so that they will have each other’s backs, not stab each other in the back. Encouraging one another will allow everyone to continue doing the Lord’s work, until He comes.

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