Fellowship with Believers – Hebrews 10:25

“not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” – Hebrews 10:25

We all can relate to this truth that in the world of technology, it is very hard to live a life alone. Either we have friends, we have a family or just a community we belong to. It is very hard to live a life without the encouragement of other people, but we cannot deny that there are people who are living alone tho. It may be hard, but it is also not avoidable for some people. A lot of people are suffering life that they are alone– without having anyone who can comfort them. Now, our verse today is reminding us of the importance of this, and reminding us that we must live life having a connection with other people. 

Yet, we have to realize that we should not just have companions or people in our lives that will have a bad impact on our growth. We have to make sure that we will be wise in the community we are working with or be wise on whom we spend our time with. This is not judging other people, but it is making sure that if you are a Christian, then make sure you surround yourselves with people of faith. However, we also have to realize that our duty as people of God is to spread the Gospel of God. Thus, we must know the difference between sharing and associating.

This does not mean that we must not talk with people who are not Christians, but we are encouraged to have fellowship with our fellow Christians so that we will be encouraged, we will be enlightened, we will pray for each other, and to carry each other’s burden. As people of God, there is no other person who can understand our struggles better than the people who are struggling the same things too. So, that is why in our verse today, the writer encourages us to not live our lives alone, but to live our lives together with the people of God and to continue what we are doing– meeting with each other. 

Therefore, let us continue to meet each other as some of us are doing it as a habit. We must remember to participate and not loathe our church gatherings or fellowship programs because it is very important for our faith. It is very important to have people to pray for us, encourage us, and guide us during the darkest moments in our lives. The brothers and sisters, we have in faith, are the gift of God. He has given us people to share our burdens, to share our disappointments, and to pray for us. Thus, let us be thankful for this, and utilize this gift from God. May we always pray for each other and build each other up in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

By Young Disciples

To Know Christ, and To Make Him Known

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