Character is Built in Life’s NO’s

“Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope..” Romans 5:3-4

When we looked at the life of Job, all kinds of difficulties are present. We can only imagine his reactions and emotions within. On the bigger picture, there was a purpose in all his sufferings, though these sufferings aren’t from God, but he permitted the devil to plant those hardships in Job. And one of the purposes was Job’s character was tested and built out of that suffering.

In today’s scripture, Paul, gave us a picture of a Christian life. The life in following Christ does not make us immune the pain and suffering of this life as a result of a fallen world, however, we have a hope in God to allow us to see the good in the bad times of life. We endure, by God’s strength, and out of enduring pain is a fruit of a refined and solidified character. A character who can understand pain, who can share love in the suffering of God, and most of all, a character that sees the goodness of God not just for what He has done but also for who He is really. God reveals more of His wisdom, might and His ultimate causes in us because of His steadfast love for all of us His children.

If you are going through valleys of difficulties right now, ask God why. Ask the Lord to reveal himself to you out of this suffering, ask the Lord to embark with you in a storm, this is the best time. The Lord will never leave you there, but be hopeful and remain steadfast, notice how the Lord refines your character and one day, look back and thank the Lord that you can smile in all storms of life, for He has solidified you as you trust in the supernatural power and love of the Lord. Rejoice in suffering as you a hope, a hope that does not disappoints but rather gives us the strength to endure, and thank the Lord for He is doing good in us and bear the fruit of a God designed character in you.

By Young Disciples

To Know Christ, and To Make Him Known

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