Relying in Faith To Face our Giants – Matthew 17:20

Because of your little faith, For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you. Matthew 17:20

Faith even just like a mustard seed moves! What a powerful confirmation from the Lord Jesus Christ. In today, scripture, the verses prior to that presents a situation where the disciples, whom Jesus gave an authority to heal and cast out demons, encountered a boy with unclean spirit that caused him seizures and harm himself. The disciples expressed this to Jesus, with a wondering mind why they had a hard time casting that out. And Jesus replied, “because of your little faith” and moved by telling them that even just a small seed of a sure faith, you can move mountain, a representation used by Jesus that by relying with our faith in Him, no giants as big as the mountain in our lives can overwhelm us. Relying in Jesus through our faith, we are partnering with His power to move for us.

Today, let us once again remind and encourage ourselves to rely in Jesus, to such a time as this. Circumstances are uncertain, times are getting harder, doubts arise, may we overcome this by believing that ultimately, the Lord is with us and that Lord works with us. We are called to testify our hope in Him, the power in His name and speak of His salvation, and never doubt our state as God’s children.

By Young Disciples

To Know Christ, and To Make Him Known

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