God Will Deliver Us from Harm – 2 Corinthians 1:10

“He has delivered us from such a deadly peril, and he will deliver us again. On him we have set our hope that he will continue to deliver us” – 2 Corinthians 1:10

As we read the two books of Corinthians, we can realize that Paul was trying to correct, rebuke, teach, comfort, and even edify all the Christians in Corinth. The Corinthians were people who believed in Christ and who have lived their lives following Him through making Paul their inspiration as Paul imitated Christ. However, Paul also knew that most of them were still living according to their flesh and not totally submitting to Christ. After many rebukes that Paul wrote in his letter to them, our verse today is one of the encouragements of Paul. 

While Paul wrote this, he knew that his companions and he were all going to die and suffer. This also inspired him to write our verse today as a response to the burden that they were all carrying. It’s a way for them to be reminded and also to set their lives as an example to the Corinthians that although they are suffering, they are suffering for Christ and they are rejoicing while suffering. So, Paul wrote that God delivered us from deadly peril, He will then also deliver us again. In God, we have set our hope that He will continue to deliver us. 

These comforting words are not just for the Corinthians, or as a way of Paul to remind himself that God will deliver them but this is addressed to all of us. Regardless of the time, the Bible is true and the Bible is always perfect no matter what the generation is or what century we are in. Thus, these comforting words are also for us to always be reminded that God will indeed deliver us always. He has sent His Son to deliver us from a deathly peril— from death that is caused by our sins. Now, as we continue to live our lives, let us be encouraged and reassured that in God, we have the hope and the confidence that He will always be there to deliver us. 

No matter what happens, no matter what, we will face, we have God backing us up. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, we are saved by grace through faith and His delivering power has been proved to us since the moment that He came into the world to sacrifice His own life for us. Thus, we can really say that He is our rock and our refuge. After all, He is our Savior, our Lord, our Comforter, and many more. Christ is everything we need and only in Him, we can find peace and true hope with the assurance that we are saved and we will be delivered from anything. Therefore, we must always remember to hold on to this encouragement and to rejoice always while we suffer for Christ. We are suffering for Christ, anyway, so let us find this joy in our hearts.

Categorized as Daily Bread

By Young Disciples

To Know Christ, and To Make Him Known

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