Almighty Father, I exalt Your name. You are my Rock and Redeemer. The Most precious blessing I have. You are The Most High whose love never fails. Tonight, before I sleep, I lift Your name.
Forgive me for all my wrongdoings today. Forgive my hurtful words and actions that I have caused people, whether intentional or unintentional. Forgive me for the times I have done things that are not pleasing in Your eyes. Please also forgive me if I fail to love You the way You deserve to be. I am sorry. Allow me to learn my lesson to be a better follower of You.
Father, thank You for everything You’ve given me. For everything that I have. For every person that I love and love me the same. Thank You for their lives as well. I know that I do not deserve all of these, but because You love me so much, You bless me with so much more than what I deserve. So thank You. Above all, thank You for Your Son, Jesus Christ, Who died for me on the cross to pay the penalty for my sins.
I pray for provisions, God. I pray that You will provide whatever I need, with what you think is the best for me. I pray for protection and guidance for me and my family. I pray for continuous healing for what breaks me. But if it’s necessary, break my heart for whatever breaks Yours. I pray for wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and discernment, loving God so that I may be able to live out Your word to the rest of the world.
Father, teach me to be an instrument of Your grace, a channel of Your love, and a blessing to every person You have blessed me with. Only through Your name can I forgive others as You have forgiven me. Allow the Holy Spirit to work in my life so that I can resist all the temptations of the enemy.
I pray for strength and confidence, that I may take every opportunity to share the gospel to others, especially those who need to know Your word. Lord, equip me more to continue being the salt and light of the world. Father, renew my strength as another day unfolds. Give me a grateful, sincere, and repentant heart that glorifies You every step of the way because I know that it is no longer I who live, but Christ, who lives in me.
Today and for the rest of my life, I honor You. May I wake up tomorrow, thanking You again for everything You’ve blessed me with. I love You, Almighty. I praise and glorify You. In the name Jesus Christ, Your Son, amen.