Spiritual Gifts in Ephesians 4:11

“So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers,” Ephesians 4:11

Ephesians 4:11 mentions five types of people who are blessed with spiritual gifts: Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, and Teacher. These five are exceptional in that they are ruling ministry gifts bestowed upon those who have been called to ministry leadership positions in the worldwide church and local congregations. In order for the church to achieve maximum potential, it is their responsibility to nurture its members and prepare them for service.

Jesus Christ bestows spiritual gifts so that He might equip the church through all the people who use their gifts. Paul highlights the need for these people to exercise their spiritual skills with the maturity of the church in mind.

5 Types of People with Spiritual Gifts


An Apostle is a person who is sent out by God and the church to proclaim God’s word, make disciples, and build the disciples into a church with Christ at its core. His work frequently entails ministering to another culture, and the goal should be to establish new churches. In a local church, an apostle may or may not be the primary authority figure.

Paul is a classic example of an apostle. Formerly known as Saul, he established congregations across Asia Minor and Europe. He was able to counsel both Jewish and Roman audiences thanks to his dual citizenship and status as a respected member of both communities.


The role of the prophet is to communicate the message God has given him. By speaking God’s truth, a prophet aims to expose bad intentions. A prophet’s spiritual gifts manifest themselves in the form of visions. He or she may receive revelations from God in the form of dreams, visions, or audible voices. Prophets yearn desperately for other people to recognize God’s Voice and understand God’s love.

For many years, the Israelites were led by terrible rulers. God heard their cries, and He sent the prophet Elijah to them. His first appearance is advising King Ahab of Israel that a drought will engulf the land because he had converted Israel to false gods. Elijah was able to resurrect a boy (1 Kings 17), set fire to Mount Carmel (1 Kings 18), and summon fire on the king’s army (2 Kings 1).


Evangelists are given a genuine desire to lead people to Christ and to reach out to nonbelievers. They encourage the church to focus on, pray for, and become passionate about reaching out to the lost. According to Christian writer Peter Wagner, approximately 10% of every congregation possesses the gift of evangelism.

Stephen is one of the early evangelists in the Bible. His brief introduction can be found in Acts 6:5, and he is remembered as the first Christian martyr. Through his example, you can learn to speak confidently for your faith and realize that your life here on earth cannot compare with the delights you’ll enjoy in heaven. Man is only capable of killing the body, but not the soul.


The spiritual gifts Pastors have allow them to lead and care for a body of believers. The word ‘pastor’ (Greek poimēn) means ‘shepherd.’ Pastors guide the church in the same way that a shepherd guides a flock: by tending to the needs of others and spending time with them to address their spiritual concerns.

Jesus is the good shepherd who not only lays down His life for his flock but brings them into the family of God. His life exemplified mercy and generosity. He was genuinely sympathetic and cared about others. The biblical role of the pastor embodies these qualities.


Teachers are in a special position to impart a love of the Word of God that motivates people to learn more about it and become better Christians. They help make complex passages accessible and applicable to modern readers’ lives and worldviews. They often employ a wide range of methods in order to get the message of God’s Word across. Competent teachers are able to make the Bible understandable and relevant.

Luke is regarded as one of the Bible’s most insightful teachers. Not only was he a teacher, but he was also an evangelist, historian, physician, pastor, missionary, theologian, friend, and brother. When Luke set out to write a gospel, he did so with the intention of writing an accurate account of history and theology centered on Jesus Christ and the plan of salvation.


God bestows His followers with a wide variety of spiritual gifts to aid the church and its members. In order for the church to grow, Christians must identify those to whom God has given these abilities and allow them to exercise them freely. Many resources exist to aid in the process of identifying spiritual gifts. Visit the Bible Portal for additional information.

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