Worshiping God with Reverence and Awe – Hebrews 12:28

“Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe” – Hebrews 12:28

Having the mindset that this world is temporary, we must really exert more effort into believing that indeed this world is temporary. As much as we try to keep it in our minds, we will always be swayed because of the false happiness, satisfaction, and joy that this world can give. That is why we always have to remind ourselves that this world is temporary through focusing our mind on the heavenly promise of God that someday, we will have eternal life in heaven with Him. There will be new earth for us and in that place, we will be only praising God and have eternal joy with Him. 

Since we already know this truth, our verse today reminds us of what we should do as we wait for the promised kingdom, that will not be shaken. We will receive a kingdom that will not be shaken, a kingdom that is not temporary, and a kingdom that is full of peace, joy, and happiness. Thus, the writer of this verse also exerts after this truth that we must be thankful, we must be full of grace (from other translations), and worship God acceptably with reverence and awe. 

As we read the last part, it is actually very easy to understand since the writer used very easy words on how to worship God. However, we must understand that worshipping God in reverence and awe, does not mean we will just emptily worship Him through praise and worship during Sunday services. Instead, what this means is that we must worship God in spirit and in truth. As Romans 12:1 says, we must offer our lives as a living sacrifice to God, holy and pleasing to God because this is our true act of worship. 

Thus, we must always be reminded that our true act of worshipping is through using our lives to worship God. Not just that we dedicate one day to God and then sin throughout the remaining six days. Sacrificing our lives to God does not mean we have to literally kill ourselves as a sacrifice, it just means that we must offer it as a LIVING sacrifice. Therefore, whatever we eat, whatever we drink, or whatever we do, we make sure that it glorifies God and that it is for God. 

Many claim that this truth is just so selfish for God to ask from us. Which is very wrong for us to assume or even consider. This truth is not even selfish, but it is just right for us to do. Actually, God is not asking us for this, but this is what happens when we are in Christ and truly understanding His salvation. Our salvation will manifest in us through living our lives for the glory of God. Therefore, we must understand that as we wait for the kingdom of God that is unshakeable, we must worship God in spirit and in truth. Let us offer our lives as living sacrifices to God– holy and pleasing to Him. May we always remember that and put that in our minds. All glory and honor belong to God alone, after all.

By Young Disciples

To Know Christ, and To Make Him Known

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