Children Led By the Spirit of God – Romans 8:14

“For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God.” – Romans 8:14

A different and positive way to see our verse today since Paul started this chapter without condemnation and ended it with glorification. Now, our verse today is somewhat a great encouragement and also a good reminder for us. As we all know, we become children of God the moment we are adopted into His holy family through Christ. John also mentioned in the Gospel that whoever receives Christ and believes in His name, He gave them the right to be called children of God. 

In connection to this, we are now called children of God since we are Christians. What Paul is trying to highlight in this verse is that people who are led by the Spirit of God are Christians. We cannot be able to say that we are children of God but refuse to follow Him, refuse to be led by Him, and do not believe in His Son who is the incarnate Word. If we refuse the Spirit of God, then maybe we should check ourselves. Together with our salvation, Christ has given us His Spirit to lead us. 

Now, if we are not led by the Spirit of God, then that just means that we have not truly accepted Christ as our Lord and Savior. Instead, we are just claiming it emptily without truly understanding what it really means. Thus, through our verse today, we must really understand that believing in Jesus Christ and receiving Him as our Lord and Savior are not all about just claiming it. However, it is all about truly believing it in our hearts that it will manifest in our lives. 

Therefore, we must always put in our minds that true Christians are led by the Spirit of God. Since we are Christians, we are children of God, and thus says our verse today, those who are children of God are led by the Spirit. Thus, we must remember to assess ourselves and check if we truly believe and receive Christ and if His grace and love are manifested in our lives. Let us not forget to always check ourselves every day as we let the Spirit of God guide us. May we be encouraged to read the Word of God every day and meditate on it day and night. We should always put our minds into obeying God and always follow Him.

By Young Disciples

To Know Christ, and To Make Him Known

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