Waiting Eagerly for the Redemption – Romans 8:23

“Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption to sonship, the redemption of our bodies.” – Romans 8:23

For the whole time we are confused with what’s happening with the world, the preceding verse today answers these questions. We are confused because why is the world suffering, why is the creation of God suffering and not in a good place. Especially in the past year, we have been experiencing an ongoing pandemic outbreak that seems like the end is still not near. So, we now know that according to Romans 8:22, the creation has been groaning since the fall of man until the present time. We are experiencing suffering because the creation has been groaning ever since. 

Actually, this is such a very sad truth that the reason why we are suffering is because of all our sins. We are the kind of people who love to blame others as the reason for our suffering, but what we are experiencing right now is something we can never blame to others nor to God. It’s clearly stated that the reason why we are suffering is all because of our own actions— our sins, our failures, and our lapses. Thus, we are suffering because we are sinful and we are hard-headed. 

However, our verse today shows us the light at the end of the tunnel. As the creation groans because of our sins and lapses, we are also groaning inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption and the redemption of our body. This is the light at the end of the tunnel because this shows our hope, knowing that one day we will be with God since we will be redeemed and we will be forgiven. We now know that we will be saved through faith in Christ. One day, we will be with God, and that through Christ, we are made righteous, holy, and good. 

Although we are now groaning together with this groaning creation, we have a hope that is found in Christ. Now, the difference between non-believers and believers is that the non-believers hope for something that one day there will be better days. While the believers hope for something greater. We have an object of hope and that is Christ. Our hope is not just one day it will be better, but that we are already assured that in Christ we will have better days and a better future. Therefore, we must always be reminded of our verse today to make us understand that we are waiting eagerly for the redemption of our body and that one day, Christ will come again and raise us from the dead. After all, He is a promise keeper, and all glory and honor belong to His name alone.

Categorized as Daily Bread

By Young Disciples

To Know Christ, and To Make Him Known

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