Prayers For Safe Travel and Journey

As the holiday season approaches, many individuals will travel and journey great distances to spend time with family and friends to create unforgettable new memories. Perhaps you’ve printed out your itinerary and packed your bags in eager anticipation of your trip. But you can’t help but fret for your own and your companion’s safety on the road. The solution to this problem is simple!

Make sure you pray to God before you leave. Tell Him everything that’s bothering you, and He’ll make things better for you. Pray for safety and calm to surround you so that you can find joy in your time with loved ones.

Here are some simple prayers you can use for a safe travel and journey:

Prayer for Safe Travels

O God, our heavenly Father, whose glory fills the whole creation, and whose presence we find wherever we go: preserve those who travel;
surround them with your loving care;
protect them from every danger;
and bring them in safety to their journey’s end;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. — Unknown

Prayer for Car Travels

Father in Heaven,
Let there be no dangers to us as we journey.
Help us avoid harm on the road.
Help us to be considerate and patient while we navigate the roads.
And bring us safely to our destination, secure in Your presence.

Prayer for Plane Travels

God, flying makes me nervous at times.
Even though I know flights are safe, I am concerned.
I beg of You, Lord, grant me rest. Please remind me that I can trust in Your protection as we fly.
God bless the brave men and women who fly aircraft.
God bless the pilot, copilot, and everyone on board!
Please reassure me that the ability to fly is a miracle bestowed upon us by You, and that the plane’s speed through the air is a result of its compliance with the physical laws of the world You made.As I take in the splendor of the heavens and the earth, I give thanks to You.
Trusting that You will keep me safe on the ground and in the air, I surrender myself to Your loving care.

Prayer for Making Good Memories

Dear Heavenly Father, please protect us on the journey we’re about to take. Support us with Your strength and grace when we’re weary. Help us to be mindful of Your presence and love in times of stress and guide us to make our time together meaningful and memorable. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. — Unknown

Prayer for Protection from Any Sickness

Dear God, I bow before you, asking for your blessing and praying that you allow no destruction to come my way as I travel from one place to another. Grant my prayers, that I may not acquire sickness as I interact with other people. As I traverse to different places, Let the road rise and allow me to see you in unfamiliar places and experience your love in the faces of other people. — Shannon Jacobs


There’s nothing like setting out on an adventure, whether it’s solo or with loved ones, to broaden one’s perspective and enrich one’s life. Avoid letting your problems overwhelm you during your long-awaited travel and journey by casting them on God. He will provide you with protection and comfort as you enjoy your holiday break. More prayers and inspirational items can be found at Bible Portal.

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